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Fig. 7 | Microbiome

Fig. 7

From: Multi-omics reveals that alkaline mineral water improves the respiratory health and growth performance of transported calves

Fig. 7

Enriched KEGG Pathways Shared by Differentially Expressed Genes and Differentially Expressed Metabolites in the Blood of Calves from the AMW and Control Groups. The color of bubbles (Type) represents the type of samples (orange for DEGs, green for DE Metas). The size of bubbles (Count) represents the numbers of the enriched DEGs or DE Metas: a bigger value indicates more DEGs or DE Metas that were enriched in this pathway. The Y-axis (Ratio) represents the ratio of counts of enriched DEGs or DE Metas to the total counts of genes or metabolites annotated in this pathway: a bigger value indicates a higher enrichment level of DEGs or de Metas in this pathway. DEGs, differentially expressed genes; DE Metas, differentially expressed metabolites

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