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Table 1 Characteristics of mother-infant dyads from the CHILD cohort included in this analysis (n = 100)

From: Divergent maturational patterns of the infant bacterial and fungal gut microbiome in the first year of life are associated with inter-kingdom community dynamics and infant nutrition


n (%) or Mean ± SD

Infant Sex (Female)

46 (46%)

Mode of Birth (Vaginal)

64 (64%)

Prenatal Antibioticsa

12 (12%)

Intrapartum Antibioticsb

50 (52%)

Infant Antibiotic Exposure (3–12 months)

20 (20%)

Breastfeeding Status at 3 Months


36 (36%)


30 (30%)


34 (34%)

Breastfeeding Duration (months)

7.8 ± 7.3

Age at Introduction of Solid Foods (months)a

4.8 ± 1.2

Infant FUT2 Genotypec


24 (24%)


39 (39%)


37 (37%)

Maternal FUT2 Genotypec


22 (22%)


41 (41%)


37 (37%)

Study Site


40 (40%)


22 (22%)


29 (29%)


9 (9%)

Maternal Healthy Eating Index

72.1 ± 8.1

Maternal Artificially Sweetened Beverage Consumption During Pregnancy

50 (50%)

  1. SD Standard deviation
  2. aData missing for two mother-infant dyads
  3. bData missing for three mother-infant dyads
  4. cFUT2 genotype indicates whether an individual is a non-secretor (AA) or secretor (AG or GG) of ABO histo-blood group antigens in other bodily fluids, such as on the gut mucosa or in breastmilk
  5. dIncludes Winnipeg and two rural sites, Morden and Winkler