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Fig. 6 | Microbiome

Fig. 6

From: Early life exposure of infants to benzylpenicillin and gentamicin is associated with a persistent amplification of the gut resistome

Fig. 6

A Bar plot depicting percent contribution of each of the detected phyla to cpm normalized abundance of CAZymes important for HMO, GOS, and FOS degradation in infants. The plot presents the percent distribution for each phyla for cpm normalized abundance at each time point for all three groups VDnoab, CSnoab, and CSab. B Pathway abundance data for unstratified pathways as detected from HUMAnN3 was categorised into higher MetaCyc pathways. cpm abundance was log-transformed, and a significant difference in abundance between the groups was calculated using the Wilcoxon test with BH using the VDnoab group as a reference. P.adj-values (as denoted by *) < 0.05 are considered significant. C PCoA plot using Bray–Curtis distance for stratified pathway abundance data from HUMAnN3, showing distinct clustering of CSab from the other two groups

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